The first of my recipes needing to come out is a simple, elegant, easy, and above all tasty veggie soup dish that I love. Vichyssoise is just a fancy name for pureed soup with leeks and cream and stock, i.e. a soup. I highly recommend an immersion blender for this recipe because it helps achieve the velvety smooth texture that you just can't get with a blender when you're forced to blend it batches because the batch is too big and the blender is too small. Been there before. Also that way you risk having your soup explode out of the blender much like the Great Tomato Disaster of '05.
What You'll Need:
3-4 tbsp butter
2 leeks
4-6 carrots
chicken stock (or stock concentrate)
1c. milk
lemon juice
Putting It Together:
Let's start with the leeks. These belong in the same family as onions but have a milder flavour. Bigger isn't always better and the thinner leeks tend to be more tender. Take the leeks and cut off the roots and all the green leaving only the white portion. Slice it in half lengthwise and give it a good rinse under cold water. Leeks are grown in sandy soil and the whole sandy texture just doesn't go well with the soup. Once rinsed, cut them into rough chuncks about a half inch thick. While you're at it peel and chop the carrots into similar sized bits and set aside for later.
Now melt the butter in a pot and toss in the leeks. Season well with salt and pepper. Cook the leeks over medium heat until translucent. The idea is to soften the leeks but not caramelize and the salt helps the process along.
When the leeks look good and translucent (about 10min, but keep an eye on them!), add in the carrots and water/chicken stock. Because I'm cheap I but the concentrate so I toss in water and a few tbsp of the concentrate. With everything added, the temperature can be raised to a boil and left to cook.
The cooking time will depend on the size of the carrot pieces. But once tender (maybe 20min?) the soup is almost done. As a warning learnt over time, it can be great to cut big pieces if you want a late dinner but keep an eye on the pot! I've burnt a few soups by not checking the water level every so often.
Ok, the soup is now cooked and bot burnt and we're ready for the finishing touches. Remove the soup from the heat and while still hot, blend the whole mix with the milk added. The hotter the soup when you blend it, the smoother it will come. The last step is to add paprika and lemon juice to taste. Once it tastes the way you want it, you're ready to eat!
Some extra notes on the subject:
The soup goes great with some sliced baguette! Or other tasty dipping bread.
The same idea for the soup is pretty universal and can be used for any type of veggie soup you want. You can add tomatoes, celery, onions, etc. to the pot and call it veggie soup. Another good one is to start by fring bacon bits in the pot and use that oil to start the leeks (bacon bits removed), then add a few veggies and a lot of peas for a tasty pea soup topped with bacon. The possibilities are pretty much endless!
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